Records Department: Agent 's after mission's report. File#9185285661570045145

Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Looking for a Vice President is tough
You know though Me and Cap had our problems in the Civil War. I probably would have picked him To Be my running mate. I mean who wouldn't vote for Captain America? But he's dead now. So there goes that.

What's worse is my campaign is drawing the wrong crowd. Like Lex Luthor who tried to get me to to choose him.

" Well you see Anthony this will be perfect for both of us!"

" Okaaaaay." I sigh. " A few problems with that you were already president, and was kicked out in disgrace, because of your weird obsession with obsession with Superman. In fact aren't you a wanted criminal now?"

" Blast my plan to kill Stark and regain the presidency, thus using the nation's resources to destroy Superman is falling apart." He rants.

" You do know you just said that out loud didn't you?" I laugh a bit and call some agents in to arrest him.

He responds with "Curses! foiled again!"

Next one was Doctor Doom.

"Doom demands to be your running mate Stark!"

I slap my forehead. " Okay first off you rule your own country, Your not even a citizen, second who in their right mind would vote for you?"

He arrogantly pushes a button on his armor. " Doom has thought of this behold the genius of Doom!"

" Get out !" I command.

" Bah! Damn you Richards!"

" My name is Stark you psycho get out!"

What's with these supervillians trying to join my campaign? Wait a minute Something Doom said. Of course he's the best choice, Reed "Mr. Fantastic" Richards!

1 testimonials:

Blogger SamuraiFrog Testified...

Reed Richards? He seems more like a potential rival than a solid running mate. I would say Professor Charles Xavier has the diplomatic skills necessary, if you could get him away from Jon the Interglactic Gladiator.

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