Records Department: Agent 's after mission's report. File#116253441163134752

Thursday, November 02, 2006
As the SHIELD turns... part 1: getting Logan back... this means war.
I have tried to contact Logan. Either he isn't taking my calls or something is wrong with his phone. I am not suppose to use the resources at work but… who will know… So I used the Satellite with the Agency… I found Logan walking down the streets of New York… I saw him go in one shop so I called the shop and told them to have him call my number…

I watched as Logan went to a pay phone…

I answered, "Logan hi."

"Carol, you spying on me?" Logan snarled…

"What is going on? Why do you hate me? I thought everything was going well the other night." I fought back the tears….

"Look Carol. ….. I am off to see Ana." Logan stated abruptly…

"Does she know?" I inquired…

"No and I don't want you telling her either." Logan yelled…

For almost 45 minutes he and I argued on the phone… He kept insisting it was over between us but that wasn't what he was saying the other night…

He finally hung up on me….

It wasn't pleasant… All I can do is bury myself in work.
A fellow Agent and her husband were celebrating seems they are going to have a baby. They showed me the pregnancy test… Positive… then they bounced away…

"Hey you forgot you're… the results…" It was too late they were gone.. I looked at this paper… You would think it would have her name typed in but instead there was a sticker…. You know removing that would be easy, then you could type any name… or write in any name….

The rest of the day was slow, I watched as Nick Fury asked Agent Romanova to join him at this party. She agreed and I found that I had received an invite as well…

I decided I might as well go….

Later I called Logan at Anal's house…. He answered and wasn't too happy that I called…

"You can't keep avoiding me!" I yelled… but he hung up well not completely I could here Ana invite him back to bed then the click of the phone being hung up…

I wonder if he is going to the party… As I stood I knocked over my brief case and saw the test results….


1 testimonials:

Blogger Warbird Testified...

go away Creed

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