Records Department: Agent 's after mission's report. File#116745717569005036

Friday, December 29, 2006
I need a drink.
But I won't take one . When you pilot the most powerful; armor on the planet , you give in to weakness. I almost did if it not for Sue Richards, appearing in front of me, and knocking the whiskey out of my hand.

She was there to blame me for evreything her husband did during the war. I was mind controlled what's his excuse? She even went so far as to say I ruined their marriage.

I still believe that was her fault. She's the one that left her husband I had nothing to do with it. The reason I almost succumbed to temptation was that My old Friend Happy Hogan, had been grievously injured a fight with the Spymaster.

He's in a coma Something else has also changed. After the whole Vegeta thing I fought this terrorist who was exposed to this Techno organic virus called the Extremis To defeat him I Injected Extremis into myself. Now My armor is armor is pretty much part of my body. Not only that but my mind can connect with every computer on the planet.

I absent mindedly told Pepper Happy's wife about me ability, and she begged me to kill him with this ability. I can't do that . At least I don't want to.

What's worse is I asked Cap if he had anything to do with it, and a bunch of his former " Secret Avengers" jump me , joined by Spider- man. I defeated them. I've also was able to show off one of my new abilities. I can now mess with Peter's spider sense making giving him false positives.

Though peter refused to wear the Red , and gold armor I made for him, I was able to scan him during Avengers meetings, and discovered how his sense worked. My armor now has a version of it.

So Cap But Now I know that Cap had nothing to do with what happened top Happy. But could one of his of the other anti Reg's have done it? Or another one of the enemies I've faced?

Vegeta most likely wouldn't have done it. He would consider hiring someone the coward's way. That and he would go after me. Bulma? Last year I would have said no. Now . I'm not sure. Most likely not.

Henchman? Possibly. Though I've been in his bank accounts. And well I transferred the money he owed Professor X Into Charles' account. The rest I sent to charity. I doubt Spymaster would want to work for Mr. Abrahms anyway. He's little relationship with that unfaithful Magdelena has put the badguys against him.

I still owe that punk for what he did to me. Though I understand his reasoning for it. I was mind controlled into coming up with this idea that I should mindwipe Magdelena. He thinks he was protecting her.

But all he really did was make me his enemy, and you Don't want me as an enemy, as I'll show him soon enough. Carol keeps calling to me . I don't know maybe Cap's right , maybe I was taking advantage of her in her weakness...... No She's a big girl she can make her own choices.

How am I going to tell her that the Baby she's carrying isn't Logan's like she hoped? The blood test came back It's Simon Williams aka Wonder Man's son.

7 testimonials:

Blogger Kid Flash Testified...

Henchy, if you wanna put him down just make sure he gets no alcohol. We all know what a drunk he is, I bet he paid somebody to type up that report or maybe Henchy you can get someboy with super-speed? Wally would happily beat him up, after all every Flash can move at the speed of light. Spidey sense (which he copied) is only fast enough to detect bullets. Hey, I move at the speed of thought! I could beat him up!!!

Blogger Tony Stark Iron Man Testified...

Henchman I can't wait to see you try.

Kid Flash : You ma have a chance to get to me before I command my armor around my body. But are you really faster than The Sentry?

Blogger Kid Flash Testified...

If Sentry can move faster than the speed of thought then no I cannot move faster than the sentry.
But I can vibrate through walls and make multiple 'scout' versions of myself. But if you dont do another registration thing Ill sneak you alcohol! Just kidding.
You know I cant resist taunting your addiction, Iron Drunk!
Oh and if you hit me I am soooooooooooooooooooooooooo telling Wonder Woman!!!
Kid Flash.
Oh and Im smart Tony, i didnt tell anyone my name is Bart Allen!
Try and figure my secret identity out not!

Blogger Tony Stark Iron Man Testified...

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Blogger Tony Stark Iron Man Testified...

Hmm Can your identity be Bart Allen.? Don't threatren me , and I won't hit you. I'm getting sick of these super powered idiots trying to push me around.

Blogger Kid Flash Testified...

Okay Tony I dont like you, many people don't! Heck, IGN named you villian of the year, not even Carnage got that title, not even Super-Boy Prime got that title! And he killed Kon this year! But Tony there would be no point in fighting, because I'd win but at the same timeit would make more sense for you to fight somebody who truly annoy Wolverine, Punisher, Captain America, Sue Storm, Deadpool....especially DEADPOOL!
Kid Flash.

Blogger Warbird Testified...

Why do you all have to be so hard on him

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