Records Department: Agent 's after mission's report. File#116857828282451982

Thursday, January 11, 2007
Henchman strikes.
Hercules decides to be an ass and attacks me.

Halfway through the fight he sees some woman , and decides he would rather harass her. So I guess this is what I'm going to end up doing for who knows how long getting into fights with people I think of as my friends case in point Wonder man.

At the Amazing Mutant Race, I try to console Carol After she here's about the witch hunt our superiors are trying to put her through, and are using Nick Fury as their attack dog.

Oh and since I've protested they've actually come up with this stupid idea for an election to detirmine who will be sole director of SHIELD. So Simon barges in to Carol's hotel room, and starts up with the worst pick up lines In the history of man kind.

Agent Danvers asks him to leave after about thirty minutes of him refusing to do so I make him leave.

His ionic powered blood spills all over the floor burning into it. It's funny when we were in The West Coast Avengers together , and Simon was in that stupid green costume he would always brag about how he could crush me. And I take him down with one punch funny.

After consoling Carol, I go back to my day job, at Stark Enterprises, there Sentry is attacked by this team of villains. I'm about to help him when this familiar voice challenges me.

" Stark! Your going to get it now!"

" Ah Mr. Abrahms what do I owe the pleasure Of your Visit? Or do you prefer the name Henchman?"

" You Stole my money you Bastard!" He raves.

" And You shot , and threatened me or do you remember that? You know I'm getting tired of super powered meat heads thinking they can push me around , and I won't push back."

" You threatened to kidnap and brain wash the Magdenla." he spits.

" Kidnap no. The Registration Act was the Law she wasn't registered, As for the rest I was mind controlled."

He glares " How many times are you going to fall back on that excuse Stark? How many times are The Avengers just going to forgive you? Well I'm not as stupid as they are. I see you don't have your briefcase this is going to be easier than I thought."

I smile " That's what you think." At my mental command my armor forms around me. I take this moment of surprise to blast him with a repulsor ray.

" Now you can go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, or you this won't end well for you, your choice."

2 testimonials:

Blogger Warbird Testified...

you are coming back to see me yes?

Blogger Tony Stark Iron Man Testified...

Carol: i guess not

Henchman This'll end one way or another

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